Welcome to Animation

This is the official class website for the animation 11 and 12 classes at L.A. Matheson Secondary for the 2012-13 school year. At this site, you will find everything you need to succeed in the course, including the course outline, classroom expectations, lesson notes, an ongoing list of all assignments for the class, and other helpful documents.

Who doesn't love to watch the antics of their favourite animated characters on television, hollywood blockbusters, and anime classics? Once reserved to the world of Disney and Saturday morning cartoons, animation is taking the world by storm. It's presence is increasingly felt in areas such as:

  • Feature Films and Television Shows targeted at adults
  • Special effects in the movie industry
  • Animated banners and splash screens on websites
  • Interactive menus on touch screens and DVD presentations
  • Video Game Industry
  • Internet video hosting sites such as YouTube

From the computer screen to the big screen, countless opportunities await for budding animators eager to master the art of animation and bring characters to an ever-expending audience.

Animation combines elements of many different art forms – drawing, painting, puppetry, music, dance, acting, film and storytelling – with the magic of technology.

The legends of animation of yesterday and today got their start producing short works on paper, on the computer, and on film. It is their attitude, dedication, creativity, and willingness to experiment that has allowed them to make the great animated characters and movies that will live on in the hearts of generations to come. 

So... let your imagination run wild and join the animation revolution.

And remember, the secret behind becoming great at animation is being able to draw. Many animators will tell you that it is "all in the lines", and that while anyone can be taught to use a computer, drawing is skill that must be learned and practiced. Only a master of the pencil can truly bring characters to life. So get out your sketchbook, sharpen your pencils, fire up you imagination, and draw, draw, and draw.

Why a Website

  • To decrease my carbon foot-print by delivering a paperless course
  • To provide  students with a useful tool that will allow them to receive course material in a convenient manner both at home and at school
  • To prepare you for a future where many of the courses and training you complete will be delivered in an on-line manner

Any Concerns or Issues

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please come see me directly in room B111 or contact me by e-mail at mckay_v@sd36.bc.ca

Our Students

  • The students in this course are from grades 10 - 12 and reflect the diversity that exists within our school. We differ in terms of our prior level of computer experience, our interests in the course material, our long-term career and education objectives, our preferred learning styles, and our commitment to personal and academic success. The challenge is for the teachers to deliver a course that meets the needs of all of our students, and to inspire all students to take responsibility for the learning process and to achieve their personal best.


Opening Week

06/09/2011 07:00
  The start of any course can be an exciting but tense time. I thank you for your patience...


Website launched

06/09/2011 06:59
Our new course website has been launched today. Be sure to check us out often to keep informed...


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